orang yang meminta-minta bahasa Inggris
- orang: folk; guy; man; men; person; the people of;
- orang yang: man that; one who
- yang: a one; of that which; of which; ones which; that;
- meminta-minta: mooch; mooched; mooching; sponged on; sponging
- meminta-minta: mooch; mooched; mooching; sponged on; sponging on; grub; implore; beg; tap; bum; pray; cadge; solicit; sponge; bend over backwards; fall over backwards
- bersikap meminta-minta: on the cadge
- meminta-minta kepada: sponge on
- meminta: appeal; apply; ask; ask for; asked for; asking for; beg; beseech; call for; calling for; crave; looking for; made a request; making a request; present a petition; putting the arm to; request; reques
- minta: ask; asked; asking; beg to be; ask for; inquire; inquire, enquire; sponge; entreat; thirst; invite; persuade; expect; petition; request; starve; urge; lust; challenge; plea; pray; nag; call for; bes
- minta-minta: obtest; beg
- orang-orang yang: men who; the men who
- orang-orang yang beruntung: lucky ones
- orang-orang yang berwenang: the powers that be
- orang-orang yang dilindungi: protected persons
- bersifat minta-minta: mendicant
- Soha asks Areeba for forgiveness.
Dan terhadap orang yang meminta-minta, janganlah engkau menghardik(nya).
Kata lain
- "orang yang membosankan" terjemahan Inggris
- "orang yang membuat peta" terjemahan Inggris
- "orang yang membuat sketsa" terjemahan Inggris